Monday 17 October 2016

Steps on the road to success

The first step on the road to success is revising your purpose to one that can be achieved at a slower speed than the speed we might see others working at. Of course, it’s needless to say that the wrong energy with which we are working that is giving us hurry and worry sickness is nothing but competition.

Competition is not at all an un-required energy in mainstream society but when competition is accompanied by or mixed with comparisons, it becomes negative or self-harming. So compete, competition is healthy but do not compare, comparisons are unhealthy. 

 Also, ensure that while moving towards the destination of success it is important to set smaller goals to be achieved instead of targeting directly at the bigger cause. This is important because this keeps us extremely light in our journey and keeps us on the road to success and does not let us become tired when the going gets difficult at times. This is a way of unburdening oneself while travelling on the road to success which can be long at times.

 Another important feature of a relaxed journey to success is satisfying people who are a part of the journey and not developing cold relations with them.

Very often, people are so obsessed with work or professional targets that a 14 hour day at the workplace is a common practice with busy professionals with no time for their family members causing distancing and differences between them and also very often children and life partners being affected negatively by this and remaining dissatisfied

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