Thursday 27 October 2016

10 most Simple tips for health, happiness & success in life

1.Proper sleep- Sleep at least 7 hours in the night. It is very necessary for your body to take rest & can perform next day activities in better way.

2.Walk for 30 minutes- It is a simple & most effective exercise which keeps you fit for work. Every day you must walk at least for 30 min & after that take bath as early as possible to feel fresh, enthusiastic & energetic to do the work. If you can’t spare 30 min. in a day, then alternatively you can go to market or nearby places by walking instead of using your vehicle. The main aim is you should walk at least 30 min. in a day.

3.Food-Include fruits, vegetables, and fiber in your diet each day. Take an Apple every day for curing constipation & better digestion. Consume less sugar & fat. Avoid processed food & Non-Veg.

4.Drink more water- You should drink at least 5 liter water in a day, which keeps your system clear & removes all the intoxicants of your body.

5.Work for 8 hours- You should work at least 8 hrs. in a day & complete at least 8 works in a day  Always prepare “To do list”- Always note down all works in your to do list, which is to be kept in your pocket. If you have to talk someone, write his name with phone number. Highlight important works. Slash the work when it is completed, it will give you satisfaction.

6.Set your routine- This is very important for achieving success. You have to fix time for daily important activities, until you do not set the time for that daily activity, you cannot perform that activity daily.

7.Take regular breaks- Don’t perform any activity continuously without any break. Take 15 min. break after 1 hour for your body to relax. This will increase your working capability. In break time you may take a cup of tea/water, walk or do any favorite activity. It is also very important for health point of view.

8.Be Happy- this is the most important thing for keep you healthy & away from Doctor. Always smile, seek humor, laugh more expect less.  Keep your mind full of positive thoughts full of enthusiasm; no negativity should be there in your behavior. If you keep yourself away from hate, anger & jealousy & keep yourself happy always, it is sure you won’t get any disease.

9.Remember GOD-By remembering the God the good qualities like peace, love & happiness increases inside us as he is the only source of all these qualities & we get these qualities by connecting with him for few minutes during meditation.

10.Positive thoughts- Change your thoughts and you change your world. We are shaped by our thoughts; we become what we think. When the mind is pure, joy follows like a shadow that never leaves. It is all about your mental status only, your thought, your feelings. If you have lot of money and all physical comfort in your life, but you are always afraid of income tax raid, will it work for your happiness? So your mind should be peaceful & with positive thoughts for enjoying happiness.

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