Thursday 20 October 2016

Achieving success in spite of difficult circumstances

Life brings with it many different types of surprises that we do not expect. Also, a journey of purpose that we all are undertaking in our respective lives, will bring with it different types of people, with different personalities and natures.

On such a journey, there will be times, when the going can get tough, especially when you have in front of you a difficult person. Such a person may not have views similar to what you may have and it may be difficult to adjust to that. Also, such a person may sometimes take decisions or perform actions which you may not expect and this can take you by surprise.

 In such a case we need to check whether we are prepared enough to face such a person. Also we need to bring about changes in the self that will help us withstand or face such a person.

Very often, a single person can be so demanding that it can at times take long to adjust with that person in spite of constant efforts. Also, we may try and change the person to become like what we want but we may not achieve success in the same. A very common response to such a person is – they need to change whereas the right response is I need to change.

 I adjust my life journey and the path I am taking accordingly, so that the person does not become an obstacle in me achieving my purpose. Molding yourself at every step and using your inner specialties and virtues is the hidden self-effort required from me. This is the foundation of achieving success in spite of difficult circumstances and difficult people standing in my way.

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