Tuesday 18 October 2016

10 Guru Nanak teachings to live a happy life

1  1.Never forget the poor. When Nanak was 12, his father gave him Rs. 20 to set up a business. Nanak bought food worth Rs. 20 and gave it away. When his father asked him about this investment, Nanak told him it was a "true business".  
2.There is one God. Using religion to segregate people into categories is awful
3.Women are equal to men.
4.Running away to a forest won’t give you enlightenment.
5.These five evils are probably ruining your life.
a. Ego b. Anger c. Greed d. Attachment and e. Lust.
 Most, if not all, suffering of big city life comes from these five evils.
6.Find your own mentor. You need a mentor to guide you on how to live right.
7.Be selfless. The Punjab Golden Temple feeds over a 100,000 people of all religions every single day. Not because there is some divine gain, but because it is a sacred duty. For Nanak, the concept of selfless service was a way of life.  
8.Fight superstition of any kind. Nanak devoted his life to attacking formal rituals, caste, and practices that didn’t make any sense. This is the simplest way you can find meaning and purpose in your own life – cutting out the clutter of what society dictates you should do.
9. Simplicity is beautiful.
1. Sharing with others
2. Making an honest living
3. Remembering God at all times
10.Travel. There is much to be gained from your journeys.  At a time when religious leaders never ventured out of their villages, Guru Nanak walked, yes, walked, to Iraq, Ladakh, Tibet and Saudi Arabia!

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