Thursday 20 October 2016

Power of positivity

What is the best way to define positivity? What, for you, is a positive thought, word or action? We could define positivity as something which leads me as well as others towards to a state of truth. A state of truth for me as well as any and every soul is a state in which it is an embodiment of the virtues of peace, love, joy, purity and power i.e. a state in which these virtues exist inside the soul to the fullest extent.

As a result, in this state of truth everything that flows out of the soul or everything that it radiates or every thought, feeling, word or action that it creates, speaks or performs, is filled with these qualities. This state of truth is the original state of every soul.

Whenever I give another soul an experience of any of these virtues, the virtue first flows through me and then touch the other. As a result there is an increase in the virtue inside me first and then the other is benefited.

All these qualities are connected with each other. One quality attracts the remaining qualities towards itself automatically. So, when I, through any medium, bring myself and others, whom I interact with, close to this state, to whatever extent, then that is positivity.  If my thought, word or action takes me and others away from this state of truth, then that is the opposite i.e. negativity.

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