Monday 17 October 2016

5 simple techniques to perform works successfully

1. Always prepare “To do list”- Always note down all works in your to do list, which is to be kept in your pocket. If you have to talk someone, write his name with phone number. Highlight important works.

2. Review- To do list should always be visible to you, if you are in office.
Otherwise you should check your list frequently whenever you are free, so that you can do some small works, which you may miss due to business.

3. Start with easy work- Always starts with easy work & cut it from list, this will give you motivation to do another work & you will feel happy,
& always take one work at a time if possible, otherwise you will not see any result & feel exhausted & you will lose interest. At least do some works, this will give you happiness as well as motivation.

4. Refresh- Always refresh your to do list. Preferable it should complete in one page so that you can see instantly, no need of turning the page. Cut out all the works done, if needed fresh page can be opened for clarity. Review the list in the morning & night and plan accordingly.

5.  Regular breaks- Don’t perform any activity continuously without any break. Take 15 min. break after 1 hour for your body to relax. This will increase your working capability. In break time you may take a cup of tea/water, walk or do any favorite activity. It is also very important for health point of view.

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