Sunday 23 October 2016

Most valuable things in life

     The ability to love, forgive and live in the present; we no longer love unconditionally, rather we love others until our interests are satisfied. We do not forgive those who have wronged us, even for the most trivial matters. We are so caught up in our past and judging others, we lose out on living and experiencing life.

       Gratitude and being content; the key to true happiness is being content and grateful for what you possess. Without gratitude, one cannot truly enjoy the pleasures of life. Not being content with what you have leads to greed and misery. 

       Faith and patience; these are two qualities that I highly value. Believe in yourself and God (if you do believe in Him) and learn to be patient. He who has mastered these two qualities can perform tasks that would be considered miraculous.

       Family & Friends; the only people who will always love me, never judge me and always stand by my side, no matter what the circumstances. My parents are my friends and mentors, while my younger sibling is the trigger for my transformation into a child once again.

   Time; Time is the most valuable thing in life, because lost time is never found again. If you spend too much time thinking about a thing, you'll never get it done. As you may delay, but time will not. Waste your money and you're only out of money, but waste your time and you've lost a part of your life.

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