Sunday 16 October 2016

A New Journey With A New Personality

Spiritual knowledge is the vehicle in which I make this extremely interesting journey full of exploration. Without sitting in the vehicle, I cannot make the journey.

 As I sit in this vehicle, I am introduced to this new, multi-faced, peaceful, loveful and blissful character in my life, a character who is spiritually rich with treasures of knowledge, virtues, powers, happiness and blessings, a character commonly called God, by everyone. 

By remembering the God the good qualities like peace, love & happiness increases inside us as he is the only source of all these qualities & we get these qualities by connecting with him for few minutes during meditation.
The more you dive into the ocean of knowledge contained within the light, the more you discover and the more treasures of knowledge and experiences you receive.
 Every time you make contact with this new found companion called God, there is growth inside you and there is an increase of peace, love, happiness and power inside you.

 It's just as if after you've begun this journey, you're never quite the same again. However much time you spend in his company during the journey, whether it be in imbibing knowledge from him or remembering him during meditation or even sharing the benefits of this journey to other friends and relatives so that they can also start this journey themselves and experience what you are experiencing; whether you do either of these for a few minutes or an hour, there's always an experience of subtle growth and development inside you.

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