Tuesday 18 October 2016

Making God our constant companion at every step for happiness

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to experience the highest authority in the universe - God? God is the ocean of knowledge, the ocean of love, the ocean of power and the ocean of bliss.

He brings with Him thousands of treasures like knowledge, virtues, powers and blessings, which we can take from Him by connecting and communicating with Him.

We can experience God so close to us whereby He can be just like any other person in our lives. We can come so close to Him that we can discuss just about anything that we wish with Him just like we do with anyone in the physical world.

 Also, to go further, we can also receive helpful friendly responses from Him when we are faced with difficulties. God can hear the voice of our hearts. He offers the gift of His company to us in less than a second and is someone whom we can receive sustenance from, just like physical parents give to their children.

 Also, He shares with us the secrets of living life the right way and be free from confusion. He is someone whom we share our happiness with when he showers our life with His help and success. God fills us with thousands of virtues and powers.

He is the most powerful one whose divine hands we can experience on us while performing the most routine actions of the day. We can experience all this by making God our constant companion at every step.

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