Wednesday 12 October 2016

How to get permanent joy in life?

Spirituality is a beautiful and fulfilling lifestyle which everyone in the world needs to adopt and it is not only for people who have an interest in religion already or are spiritually inclined. Spirituality gives the power of relieving yourself of all pressures and it also teaches us the way of keeping our thoughts, words and actions in check, both of which are necessary for being successful. 

Also, spirituality does not mean leaving material comforts of life and lead a life which is different from the world but on the other hand it changes our relationship with material comforts and makes us less attached to them. This helps us experience permanent joy from them. On the other hand an attachment to them can give sorrow also at times. So, never hesitate to sit on the joyride of spirituality, as we call it, because life and the relationships and roles that way we play and the way we play them changes after doing that.

 Ask someone who is spiritual and loves leading a life according to spiritual principles and does it without overdoing it i.e. he or she does not become over-spiritual so as to lose the balance. Such a person will say will tell you how lightness and contentment along with the power to handle situations and also the ability to change your thinking whenever required, from negative to positive are some of the benefits of a spiritual life.

Also, talking about love filled relationships; there are people, whose relationships were on the brink of finishing. A spiritual life gave them the method of living their life with love, immense happiness and power and they overcome their difficult relationships without making much effort. Which were saved from divorces, because of their change in ways of thinking and facing the difficult situations that arise in marriages because of ego clashes and differences of opinions.

So your thoughts words & actions should always be in harmony then you will enjoy happy & peaceful life.

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