Monday 17 October 2016

5 Simple tips for good health

1. Walk- It is a simple & most effective exercise which keeps you fit for work. Every day you must walk at least for 30 min. If you can’t spare 30 min. in a day, then alternatively you can go to market or nearby places by walking instead of using your vehicle. The main aim is you should walk at least 30 min. in a day.

2. Drink more water- You should drink at least 5 liter water in a day, which keeps your system clear & removes all the intoxicants of your body.

3. Food- Take more fruits & vegetables in your diet. Your food should have less sugar & fat. Try to avoid Non- Veg.

4. Regular breaks- Don’t perform any activity continuously without any break. Take 15 min. break after 1 hour for your body to relax. This will increase your working capability. In break time you may take a cup of tea/water, walk or do any favorite activity.

5. Be Happy- this is the most important thing for keep you healthy & away from Doctor. Keep your mind full of positive thoughts full of enthusiasm; no negativity should be there in your behavior. If you keep yourself away from hate, anger & jealousy & keep yourself happy always, it is sure you won’t get any disease

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