Friday 21 October 2016

How to overcome laziness?

Allow yourself time to relax and do the things you enjoy-The first & foremost thing to overcome laziness is to take complete rest on bed & positively fix time to start the work after 15 min. After rest wash your face with fresh water & take tea/water which you like.

 Visualize the benefits of a task/activity- You should always see the benefit of completing the task as you have to complete the work, no one else will do the work on your behalf.

 Start with easy work- Always starts with easy work & cut it from list, this will give you motivation to do another work & you will feel happy,
& always take one work at a time if possible, otherwise you will not see any result & feel exhausted & you will lose interest. At least do some works, this will give you happiness as well as motivation.

Always prepare “To do list”- Always note down all works in your to do list, which is to be kept in your pocket. If you have to talk someone, write his name with phone number. Highlight important works & set little targets such as after completing these jobs I will take Tea/lunch/Dinner/rest or watch the TV etc. you like the most.

Regular breaks- Don’t perform any activity continuously without any break. Take 15 min. break after 1 hour for your body to relax. This will increase your working capability. In break time you may take a cup of tea/water, walk or do any favorite activity. It is also very important for health point of view.

Right Concentration- Focus on one thought or object at a time. By doing this, we can be quiet and attain true peace of mind & can do the work without confusion & laziness with clarity in the mind.

Reward yourself- Every time you managed to overcome laziness and successfully accomplished a task you should reward yourself, as this will help you to associate positive feelings about making efforts to get things done. Just make sure to adapt the reward to the efforts you ma

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