Friday 14 October 2016

Perform good actions

Checking your actions and then changing them should be a natural habit and not something that is a burden on the mind. It'’s as if the mind becomes accustomed to sub-consciously transform one'’s habits or personality and keeps making easy and natural efforts to become a better human being at every step of life. This is living life correctly and carefully.

 Life is not just about performing actions but performing good actions which will give you happiness first and to others after that. 

It'’s very easy to not take up responsibility for your actions and say that it does not matter. But it does matter a lot to our inner being, which becomes pure or impure depending on the actions we perform. Say for e.g. one day you have been very irritable since the morning and it'’s not been a nice day for you. You have lost your temper a few times and at the end of the day you say I have performed a lot of incorrect actions.

So on a physical level there is nothing that you feel except a little anger, also sorrow and may be you repent that your actions have not exactly been of the highest level. So the soul becomes impure after even a single day of wrong actions. And imagine if we spent our complete life performing negative actions, without giving a thought to them, how it would cause us internal harm.

In the same manner, by performing positive actions or by checking negative actions and changing them for the future, we will become purer and as a result happier human beings.

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